Monday, November 29, 2021

fake digital post card

  Today I made a fake digital post card which means that I had to draw a landscape with lots of details so I drew a landscape of a platform on a mountain witch gives you a view of the buildings below:

the yellow things on the fence are lanterns  and the yellow thing in the sky is the big bright moon the white things are clouds and the green platform one side of the grassy mountain.

hope you like my fake digital post card and have a g-day

Friday, November 19, 2021

I am so rich (fake media)

 today I was so rich just look at me:

I think you all know that this picture is fake because it just doesn't look real that is because yesterday 
 we were talking about fake media so I made myself sit on a chair and waiting for my food.
did you think it was real or not and here is the website I used to romove my

Monday, November 8, 2021

how to spread kindness

 Today I learnt how to how to spread kindness I will be telling you two ways to show kindness

the first one is "invisible bucket" so the first one is that the story told me that every one has a invisible bucket.The bucket is like water when there is more water in the bucket its more heavy but this one is that when you fill your bucket you happy and joy full but when your bucket is empty you feel sad and lonely.The way you earn water is if your kind and helpful it gives the person you helped or made happy more water and you also get water from helping them and how you lose water is by getting bullied or being mean.

The second one is that this man called Amos works at the zoo and has friends there he shows respect to them and when Amos come to the zoo he plays chess with the elephant races with the turtle sits with the penguin and gives the rhino A tissue and reads the owl a story.The next day Amos got sick so his animal friends went on the bus and went to his house they did the exact thing to Amos because he showed respect to them so the elephant played chess with him Amos couldn't run so the turtle and him played hide and seek the rhino gave him a tissue the penguin sat beside him and the owl reads him a story and they all go to sleep.

how I was feeling in the weekend

 Today I was looking in the task board and found this it said "Write a blog post about how you are feeling this week." so I did and today is Monday so I cant write that much but What I can write is how I woke up and how i made breakfast and studying all in the morning.

So I woke up at around 7:00 I didn't want to get up because i felt very weak and tired so I lied in bed till I fell asleep the only thing I could remember in my dream was a bit weird but me and my friend had just finished swimming and there was 4 boys changing in the boys bathroom I could only remember 3 of the boys and they were Huzafia, Justin and me.When I woke up I felt strange I looked over at my sister and she was waking up so I woke up with her and made breakfast.

When I was making breakfast I felt less strange till I forgot my dream until now so I made my self peanut butter and avacado toast and my sister had cookie butter it like cookies but mashed into something and you can put it on your bread. when we had finished breakfast i felt good and got a lolipop which made me more happy I went to my task and did my math task I had to make a traditional pasifka design if you want to learn more about my traditional pasifika design there is a blog under this blog so check it out.So back to topic I made my design and went to my google meet after about 5 minutes into the goggle meet my google meet crashed because of lag so I went to the stair and it would work there so I just kept on going with my google meet.

After when my google meet was done I started to write my blogs I made two blogs including this one I made one about Traditional Pasifika design and one about this one anyways I hope you like it and have a good day

Traditional Pasifika design

 Today I made a Traditional Pasifika design and for some reason I always go for the hardest one and the one with the most detail so it wont look that bad hope you like it because I spent a good 30 minutes on it.

I used some reference like the big tree the waves and the zig zags the rest i came up with those patterns and the ones.The pattern I am most happy with is the coconut below the palm tree if you want to make on of these for your self here are so  reference you can use:

Thursday, November 4, 2021

My very own self portrait made out of plants

Today I made my very own portrait out of plants I used some very interesting plants and some you might not seen before.It stared when I was looking at one of my tasks and fount something in the art folder It said "Create a self-portrait or a portrait of people in your bubble out of items found in nature" so I did and I came up with a portrait that I was pretty proud of it.The picture of it was little bad because just flip my computer over and hope to get a good photo so here it is:
Some of the names of are Acorns,Lavender,Blue daisy and some other stuff.My
portrait its quite simple but I spent almost 20 minutes on it hope you like it.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Helping the environment

One day, me and my family decided to clean up the house so I made my decision to clean up the plants  my sister and dad decided to clean the down stairs and we just got started.First I took the dead and almost dead plants outside and I pulled the scraps and the plant out from the pot and it felt like crunchy chips because I could squeeze it and it made a "crunch" noise. So when I finished taking out the scrap plants out  then came the hard one it was a dead tree (without leaves)  I used all my strength to try to pull it out and it just wouldn't get out of its pot so I got a tin and a shovel and started taking out the dirt and after 6-7 scoops I finally got the tree out and then put all the dirt back in the pot and I could get started on planting some plants.

After when I finished taking out the scrap plants and tree my mum came and she would help me on the planting because I had no experince about planting at all.My mum came and started picking out some plants which could make new roots in the soil we were going to plant the plants in.I could hear birds chirping songs when me and my mum were planting some plants.I looked over my mums shoulder and I was stunned by how nice my mum made it I wanted to try but I was far from nice it was ok though I tried again but it was not really my best until I tried really hard and I made a cool looking jungle and then I thought I was done planting.

I was going inside of the house and was going to lie on the couch but there was a voice that said "Can you get the four plant on the window sill" and went straight to the window sill and got the four flower pots with dead flower in each one of them I took all of the dead flowers out and my mum put a flower in each one of the pots I did the last one and it looked ok and the it was the last step putting them away to there original spot Me and my mum put all of the flower pots with flowers in its place and then I threw myself on the couch and watched You Tube on my chrome book for the rest of the day ( not including eating and going to the toilet)

Tuesday, October 26, 2021


 Hello people yesterday made a Tivaevae if you don't know what a Tivaevae is basically different shapes on a paper the things you will need is

1.two pieces of different coloured paper

2. a scissor



Now when you have got your stuff to make a Tivaeae you first want to cut the paper to a square then you fold it into four quarters then you can draw some shapes on the paper and draw a line on the edge with the fold and the cut all the shapes out and then you can open the paper and you stick the paper to the other paper and then you get a Tivaevae! It should look like this:

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

my diy obstacle course

 Hi people today i'll be blogging about my diy obstacle course made from cardbord

first i made a cardbord person his name is jack and he is going to attempt to finish the diy obstacle course that i made for him this is what he looks like:

Next up i will show you my beam that jack will have to walk while not trying to fall off here is what the beam looks like with jack standing on the beam:
next up is some pipes that jack will have crawl in the holes between the pipes here is a picture of the pipes with jack in one:
what i want to show next to you is that i made some hurdles to jump over here i a picture with jack jumping to the other hurdles:

then is my favorite part of this obstacle course is the "spinner" the spinner turns around and around and it has those whack a mole things on it too so i would whack jack if he wasn't careful here is a picture of the "spinner"
and the last thing you need is the finish platform here is the picture of it:

now here is the whole thing set all togeter :

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

term 3 holiday recount


Hi people, today I will be talking to you about my lockdown weekend at the end of term 3 in school.

Hope you enjoy my Blog! 

First day of the holiday 

I was doing my work on my computer when suddenly there was an email that popped

out from my gmail box and it said “It's the last day of school” and then I was so eager to finish

my work and get started on my holiday.

My first day of my term 3 holiday

It was Saturday when I got up from my comfy bed. I ran down the stairs and immediately

made myself breakfast because when I was finished I could lie on the couch and play on my

tablet for the rest of the day except for eating time,taking a shower,sleeping and going to the bathroom.

First week of the term 3 holiday

At this point I was a little bored because of the lockdown and I just wanted to do some other stuff like

planting so I planted some beautiful flowers and they were lovely. They are now scattered around the house that I live in.

Last week of the holiday

It was the last week of the holiday and there was not much going on so I just got out my nintendo

and put a game card in which allowed me to dance to some songs and I played the game for about

2 hours a day and it brightened my mood because my mum said if you exercise in the morning your

mood becomes better and you won't be really mad or unhappy for the rest of the day and for the rest

of the day i would just keep on playing video games for the rest of the day mostly because

I had nothing to do really because i was just bored always mostly.

Last day :(

It was the last day of my holiday and I was really emotional because I wanted to keep on relaxing

and keep on playing games. I was so sad because I really wanted to sleep in and get up at the time

I wanted so it was a real pain for me.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

weird grape called "Moon drop"

 Hello bloggers today I will be showing you a grape called moon drop it is not like any other grape it is a very long and yummy grape i can show you the pictures of a Moon drop 

It is very weird and it tastes like a grape it is very simliar to a grape because it grows exactly in a bunch of a grape and its the same colour of a grape it also tastes better than a grape it is so sweet your mouth could burst maybe anyways I hope you enjoyed this grape being discribed!

Friday, September 24, 2021

Word find

 Hi bloggers Today i will be showing you my word find It is really hard because i have to find a lot of words and most of them are maori so here is the pictures of my word find

The words I need to find are:                       If you want to find the words your self here it a blank page:















Social And bye bye bloggers






Ma done






Wednesday, September 15, 2021

My 3 best art pieces

 Hello bloggers today I will be showing you 3 art pieces

that I painted.It took almost more than 2 hours to finish one single art piece enjoy also if you are interested on drawing some of these,drawings the place is at mount albert   you can  register your self to the reception and you might just be drawing with me! anyways enjoy.

            type:oil panting      canvas size:10 X 20      description:for this art piece I thought it was easy but it was so hard that I almost burst but in the end it turned out amazing!!!

type:oil painting      canvas size:10X20      description:I was inspired by starry starry night but I didn't want to copy vincent van goah so I made something simular.

Type:oil painting      canvas size:10X20      description:This painting was the best painting I ever made because it has so much detail and I love sunsets.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Minecraft mansion

 Hello Blogers today I will be showing you my mansion in my Minecraft world mostly in this blog I am not finished yet so please don't make fun of my build I will mostly be showing pictures form my Minecraft world enjoy!

in front of the build
right side of the build
                                                                           back of the build

                                                                       left side of the build


                                                                         book shelfs 

Thank you Bloggers for looking at those pictures i really appreciate you looking and reading this far thank you again and i will see you next time.

Friday, September 3, 2021

different shapes

First one: I can see there are four blocks coloured in white and black i can also see that black has three blocks and white has 1. That means if it were out of 100% white would be 25% and black would be 75%.Answer- white 25% Black 75%

Second one:From this one I can see that there are 5 blocks and the colors are blue and red.If there are five blocks the percentage I would use is 100% red would be 20% and blue would be 80%.Answer-Red 20% blue 80%

Third one: From this one I can see there are 8 blocks and the colours are yellow and red. I can also see that there are two red blocks and six yellow blocks. The percentage I would use is 100% again because I can also use decimals.So first I used 100 divided 8 which gave the answer 12.5 for each one and I just need to use 12.5 plus 12.5 which is 25% so I know that reds percentage is 25%.For the  yellow part I know that red is 25% and i just need to add something that would make 100 that is 75 so now I know that yellows percentage is 75%.Answer- red 25% yellow-75% 

Lock down reflections

Today we will be sharing our reflection of the lockdown so far.

We will be focussing on grouping our ideas into paragraphs.

I will give some paragraph themes to help. 

Introduction - How does your typical day look during lockdown?

Paragraph 1 - What are you grateful for (makes you happy) during this lockdown?

Paragraph 2 - What are you finding difficult during this lockdown?

Paragraph 3 - What can you do to improve your lockdown experience? 

Conclusion - Based on your experiences, what advice would you give others to improve their lockdown experiences?

My day starts by Waking up at 8:58 I woke up pretty late because there were two cats fighting over some food or something else.Also I was sleeping at around at 10:00.After getting dressed and brushing my teeth it takes another minute so it is 8’59 I go down stairs and join the meeting that was based on what your going to do today.I listened for what Mrs Corbett Said She said we had to do the agendas and the tracking sheet she forgot about the time and  it was 9’27 so I basically didn't have breakfast because I was in a rush for the google zoom meet.

I  am grateful for the lockdown because I can relax at home while doing school work on the couch,

I can spend more time with my family and play board games with them,

I am also grateful because I got more time for  more drum and piano practice and 

we get to do things on google meet and Zoom

I am finding a lot of things hard like i have to learn the piano for longer minutes and the drums too.It is also hard to get supplies

from the store and I cannot play with my friends which is a shame

.also it is really difficult to buy food

because most of the things you want is probably all sold out such as milk

, flour and toilet paper.

I Think I should improve my cooking skills by helping to cook and not just watching

Youtube all the time. I need to spend more time doing math,reading or writing. It is just that

I need to spend less time on devices.

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Origami cat

Today I will show you how to make an Origami Cat you can just click the Red word bellow you can follow these instructions down bellow and I hope you will know how to make a Origami me

Friday, August 27, 2021

te reo maori

Today we practised pronouncing vowels in Te Reo Māori. Ms Corbett(our teacher)gave us 5 words to practise potiki,weanga,matamaua,manamua,auahatanga.I practised all of them when you only needed to practise one here is the link for the words I practised if you want to hear:Potiki weanga matamua manawarao  auahatanga and i hope you enjoyed this post the link for the speaking thing is down below and last of all bye bye! speaking thing click to go in there

Tuesday, August 24, 2021


Today I will show you my work on the t-shaped litracy here it is i hope you like it i spent a lot off time in it and you can press the blue words to go in the Slides or you tube video anyways this was about this thing and we also had the things on the left side witch was;

  • common theme
  • differentiation
  • Persuasive language
  • Facts
and they were the thing i had to do for my t shape
and here is the like you just have to press it and you can use these to make your own t shaped litracy

Mindful Messaging       Good Blogging Tips      What is a quality blog comment.


fruit is yummy and cool it gives you vitamins and help you grow and you eat lollies you will get cavity and you have to pull you tooth out that would be painful because your eating lollies! now i am not saying you can not eat lollies its just you have to keep a 80% healthy diet and the 20% you eat what ever you want now if you go over that twenty it is no problem but if you keep it over 20% for too long you might get a cavity

graph about fales

 on the lock down had to do some work Including making a graph on our Fale house points with doing two statements and 1 prediction here is the graph and i hope you like it because i did:

My prediction and the two statements; ialso go this idea from Eshani so thank you Eshani

My prediction is that maybe kauri will work really hard and catch up to totara.

From this graph I can see that Rata is fourth then kowhai then Kauri then Totara.

From this graph I can see that totara is winning by 128 points from kauri.


Today I will be talking about chess,chess was one off my ideas for a free choice blog anyways I chose chess because chess is cool and it is a complex game.I will be talking about the names for the piece, how they attack and how much are they worth:                                                                                                                                         

Pawn,Pawn is worth one point and attacks diagonal,moves forward(If a pawn reach's the end off your opponents squares on the opposite side off the board it can transform to a queen and knight a bishop or a rook they can also move two squares at the start)      

Bishop and knight ,they are the same points  3 that is,bishop attacks diagonal and can only reach half of the board when the knights can jump over pieces and it moves in a L shape it moves 1 2 3 the turn 1.

Rook,Rook is a five point piece and it moves forward and side ward it can not move diagonal and you can use a King to castle with the rook so the king moves 12 to the rook then the rook jumps over the King you cannot castle when the squares are controlled by the other pieces.

queen,queen is the most powerful piece and it is a nine point piece it is baciclly a Bishop and Rook combined together.

King,The most important piece because you have to protect it and attack the other King,if you get checkmated witch is you have nowhere to run it is game over for the person who is checkmated,check is that your King is in danger and you can use your other piece or king to kill it or block or making your King run away the king is like a queen but it only moves 1 step.

This is how you set up the board rook on the bottom sides then knight beside them then bishop beside knight and then the queen on the colour it is and the king beside the queen last of all pawns in the front.

Friday, August 20, 2021

dragon in the city

Hello i made a picture  and it was according to this thing with the red circle  
i had to follow these intructions and i went for the ones that the red circle 



 today i made a person that looked like me he had brown hair glasses white shoes and a cheeky smile i f you want to look at the picture it is in he bottom but for now it think i will describe why i made this person.So first of all i made this person because my teacher told the whole class to do some activity work in the lock down drills wee did google meets to if you do not know what a google meet is it is basically zoom any ways we had to do a thing that we were making our own characters so first step I did was choosing my skin colour i chose tan because i think that would look good next eyes i chose green eyes for my person and that worked really well next step was your mouth i chose the happy smile and that worked really well and after a while i came up with this thing i think it looked really cool

Monday, August 16, 2021


 Today i learnt how to make things fly in scratch it was really fun because scratch is very hard to program and code it almost took me 1 whole hour to make a simple game if you want to play it here is the link try it if you like .The instructions are you press the arrow keys and if you hit a building you have to restart here is the link. link to play it might not work or maybe it will for if you played tell me in the comments if you liked and also please like the game and bye bye.Also if you want to try it check the tutorial in scratch,the name is "make it fly".

Monday, August 9, 2021

the weekend

Today we wrote about our weekend.I Wrote about my birthday party. I had my friend over Justin and he brought me a present. It was a really hard strategy game. Me and my friend and I couldn't even figure out how to move to learn how to play. I just might learn how to play on YouTube.

.Even if i couldn't even play the game that wasted like 1 and a half hours we still got to play Minecraft .So in Minecraft i finished Justin and my house in survival mode i has 3 stories and its fully decorated with a basement we even got cats and bred them that got us even more cats and we also have horses to go to places faster and Justin is a pro.

Friday, August 6, 2021

Nyon cat

 I think that Nyon cat is the best meme ever because it is a cat floating in space with a cracker as a body and a rainbow trail also it has a song like this nanananananana. Ok that is its theme song very memey.