Thursday, November 4, 2021

My very own self portrait made out of plants

Today I made my very own portrait out of plants I used some very interesting plants and some you might not seen before.It stared when I was looking at one of my tasks and fount something in the art folder It said "Create a self-portrait or a portrait of people in your bubble out of items found in nature" so I did and I came up with a portrait that I was pretty proud of it.The picture of it was little bad because just flip my computer over and hope to get a good photo so here it is:
Some of the names of are Acorns,Lavender,Blue daisy and some other stuff.My
portrait its quite simple but I spent almost 20 minutes on it hope you like it.


  1. Kia ora Morton. Thanks for sharing your art work. You've done a great job of explaining the task. Telling us how long it took gives us idea of the effort you put in. How do you think you could improve your artwork?

  2. This is super cool. I love the way thay you laid it out. I like the way that you explained some of the things that you used to make it. Awesome work and a great explanation of why you choose it.Did you manage to make any others? Thanks for sharing
