Wednesday, October 20, 2021

my diy obstacle course

 Hi people today i'll be blogging about my diy obstacle course made from cardbord

first i made a cardbord person his name is jack and he is going to attempt to finish the diy obstacle course that i made for him this is what he looks like:

Next up i will show you my beam that jack will have to walk while not trying to fall off here is what the beam looks like with jack standing on the beam:
next up is some pipes that jack will have crawl in the holes between the pipes here is a picture of the pipes with jack in one:
what i want to show next to you is that i made some hurdles to jump over here i a picture with jack jumping to the other hurdles:

then is my favorite part of this obstacle course is the "spinner" the spinner turns around and around and it has those whack a mole things on it too so i would whack jack if he wasn't careful here is a picture of the "spinner"
and the last thing you need is the finish platform here is the picture of it:

now here is the whole thing set all togeter :


  1. Well done Morton! You created then shared a great idea for an Indoor Obstacle Course. Your creation certainly turned out challenging for Jack. By the way, can you use a capital letter for people's names in your posts? Thanks for sharing such an awesome idea Morton!

  2. Morton I love this blog post. I think the pictures as a support to the steps you outline really help the reader to understanding what's involved in the course. Very creative - thanks for sharing on your blog.
    Enjoy the long weekend, and I will look forward to looping back to your blog next week to see what you have been up to.

  3. Faakalofa Lahi atu Morton alias Jack! 😀
    I really enjoyed reading about Jacks adventures and challenge in crossing the beam with out falling off
    Perhaps you could talk through each happening as Step 1:
    Step2: 👍😀 this indeed is very impressive, and kept me wanting to read on, to the next step to see what happened what Jack gets to do next ! 😵‍💫. Excellent work Morton 👏👏👏👏

  4. Kia ora morton.I love the course and how you made it.Like there are hurdles and lots of obstacles and the stickman you made😀
