Friday, August 6, 2021

calnader art practise

 Today we learnt how to do art with tape and paint so basically this is my art that I did it today it took me about 45 mins to here it is. its still not finished yet but will be tomorrow with fully pulled of tape and dryer.I also think that when we are gone home i think that Mrs Corbett our teacher would use a hair dryer and dry all of our paintings.anyways i think this painting looks awesome.

As you can see that the tape is not pulled of yet but that is going to change.and also it is not dry yet also it is side ways.If I had more time i would have finished.


  1. Konichwa morton
    wow amazing painting.Maybe next time use a canvas.It will look better.

    a+4+b+7=47 try figure it out
    tick tock tick tock the mouse went up the clock tick tock tick tock the mouse went away!!!!!

  2. Replies
    1. the answer was 34+4+7+2 hahaha
